Sunday, 25 March 2012


Planning - Locations and Characters:

We choose this location for our film because is perfectly captured the personality and lifestyle of the character that we were trying to convey, placing a lot of youthful and trendy/urban props such as a laptop, a PSP and a Harry Potter book, and also a copy of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and a copy of the Bible with a cross leafed over it. This was all used to successfully put forward not only this character's naivety, but also his mindset and culture, specifically that he is a student and he is religious, the theme of religion adding subtly a deeper level for the overtones of death, murder and destruction seen throughout our film. In addition, it was a location that was most appropriate because it was convenient in terms of distance and the time.

Similarly, these two locations (located right next to our school) were utilised not only because of their short distance but also because it gave us the opportunity to get the best shot of our character coming out of his house.

This location, which was exactly the way we pictured the scene in the script, had to be abandoned out of consideration for the local residents' thoughts and feelings. However, we feel that the location that we did use eventually was perfect for our needs and got the point across just as well as this location would have.

Characters :

This is an image of our main character, Dammy. We decided to present him wearing a light blue tracksuit, not only in order to connote that he is from an urban background and is very much a representation of urban youth today, but also to convey a sense of naivety about him, that the situation he has been thrown into is a situation which is outside his limited experience as a young man preoccupied with his studies.

We choose this actor to play the role of our villain due to his height and physicality. We asked him to convey through his speech, manner and body language the alarming and threatening presence we required our villain to exude. This image of our villain, although in a different costume from the one we eventually selected, conveys a sense of violence through the brandishing of a weapon, the blood stains on his jacket and his glazed, cold facial expression.

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