Friday, 9 March 2012

Evaluation Question 3) What have you learnt from your audience feedback (Final Cut and Ancillary Tasks)

Evaluation (3) - Implications of our Critical Feedback:

The audience feedback which we received for not only the final cut of our film but also the ancillary tasks, the poster and the magazine article,  were very positive and highlighted aspects of our products which we thought were key and which we wanted to engage with the audience.

A key theme across the responses we received was the appreciation of how we had deployed contrasting types of camera shots to create a feeling of ambivalence and uncertainty. For example, one audience member praised us on our innovative combination of different camera shots and how the soundtrack enhanced this mood, specifically during the opening scene, which she called “Engaging...”.

 Another audience member applauded us on the way we had successfully exploited the conventions of thriller films, making the comment: “I like the way you’ve used the music and the really heavy use of blood...It’s really scary and gruesome!” A comment such as this, we feel, indicates that we successfully achieved our intentions to make the film very frightening, visceral and, at times, disturbing.

Finally, in terms of our ancillary tasks, one audience member could not praise them highly enough, commenting “You clearly have a very coherent style, through the use of your main image, your use of language, the lighting of the images used, the use of fonts and your style, which, in particular, is as successful as many posters and magazine articles that I have seen and read of the same genre.” This particular comment, we feel, is the epitome of all the hopes that we had in venturing into this project and what we wanted to achieve throughout our production in general.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dammy & Ahmed,

    There is lots of excellent work here and you have shown thorough and appropriate detail in terms of drafting, layouts and scripting. There is also some excellent recent into similar products and a target audience.

    In order to improve further you need to ensure that:

    •Your magazine analyses include paragraphs that highlights conventions followed/what the conventions of magazine reviews are. The same goes for your poster & film analyses- all have some good levels of detail, but need to focus on establishing what the conventions of short films (eg. complete, singular narrative; few/single characters; use of visual shorthand to convey characteristics/situation; use of enigma or playing on audience perceptions; use of humour etc.) & film posters are and whether the texts that you have analysed adhere to or subvert these, and the effect for the audience.

    •You have more specific detail on explanation of magazine draft, including what particular aspects you will be including and why.

    •Images linked to your post on brand identity, to enhance this further.

    •Embed your storyboard animatic.

    At present your marks are:

    Ahmed- 17 (low level 4)
    Dammy- 16 (low level 4)
